I'm a professional game devolper from Cardiff, Wales. I graduated from the University of South Wales after studying BSc Computer Games Development and achieving a 1st class with honours.

I work with indies to create innovative projects of all sizes, specializing in procedural generation and gameplay AI. I believe I can deliver clever, concise solutions and work around existing workflows

Currently, I'm working with Ultix Technologies to create the UFA game. I'm also available to collaborate on other projects.


1st with honours in computer games development from the University of South Wales

Notable Modules

  • AI for Game Developers

  • Professional Practice

  • Tool Development


  • Unity C#

  • Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint and C++

  • Godot GDScript

  • RayLib C++, Python

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • PyGame Python


  • Codecademy: Data and Programming Foundations for AI

  • Gamedev.TV: UE5 C++ Developer

  • Gamedev.TV: Unreal Blueprints

  • Gamedev.TV: UE5 C++ Developer

Ultix Technologies

Primarily taking the lead on creating the AI systems that play against or alongside the player. Additionally working in general gameplay programming areas. Working from project start to finish.

Merlin Game Studios

Creating a first person space dogfighting level, I was given a huge amount of creative freedom on the project and took inspiration from the arcade games I'd researched whilst creating Ticket Tower.

Game Dev Cardiff

Coordinating speakers for talks and staffing game jams, often whilst competing! I also operate the IT side and keep everyone emails running.

Ticket Tower

Created for, and winner of the SEGA Arcade Jam. A short, repeatable game designed to fit in with other arcade redemption titles.

Click Here to Play.

Wakey Wakey

Part of the Ludum Dare 52 compo. I made all assets and the game within 48 hours. I think it's a good example of AI working to create emergent gameplay

Click Here to Play.

Extending Chisel

Throughout my final year in uni, I worked to extend a text based level editor for DOOM 3.

Click Here to view the project on GitHub.

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